I put some new shoes on

It was with a surprise that I recieved a phonecall today. I do not know who was most startled, me or my host mother, when my real mothers voice suddenly appeared in Japan through the complex network of cables called "The telephone network" and which spins around earth in increasingly wierd angles. So now I`ve got to update this page... again. I`ve got to admit that its getting increasingly hard to not write Japanese here, as I only write Japanese nowdays. Well, here`s the update.

Some days ago it was mothers day, or "haha no hi" as its called in japanese. I bought a green(!) flower for my host mother and tried to post a mothers day comment on this page, something that was efficiently stopped by an unknown error, probably due to the fact that the server and I are having problems in our relationship. I think that is because we are on diffrent continents, but since the Server won`t answer me I dont really know.

Also, a while ago we went strawberry picking. Both alot of fun and very good. Then we went i my host Grandparents place and had some BBQ. And since I now know how to play the ocarina with notes, me and my uncle played flute and ocarina together and once again I had lots of fun. My aunt is a caligraphy teacher, so I learned some tricks that I will use on my next Caligraphy lesson. And speaking of caligraphy, my teachers got a Swedish friend who gave him a book about runes, and he want to show me that. Its been a while since I knew how to read runes, but with all the Japanese signs around me I probably wont have time to learn runes again.

Oh, and for the Spring Field Trip me and my class went and picked even more strawberries and after that, even more BBQ. I used a trick that my dear brother Simon told me about long ago, when he said that "water boil att 100 degrees C and paper burn at 200 degrees C", I managed to melt chocolate in waterbath over(read in) an open fire.

Even though my Japanese isn`t so good I`m still understood somewhat, which is kinda good if you go in a Japanese school. And by following the old saying "When in rome, do as the Romans do." I learn a lot from just looking and listening.

In one week, I will have a Japanese test and maybe even math tests. Everyone(including me) was surprised when I understood the math we do in class. The Level is somwhere between math D and E in Sweden, which means that its really hard. I take two math courses, one hard and one easy. I understnd everything we do in the hard one, but nothing in the easy one. this is because in the easy class, the teacher writes so much Japanese on the blackboard and then erase it just as quickly, so I dont have time to translate it. But during the harder class, all we do is formulas.

Well, thats all from us here at the CNN headquarters in New York. Thank you, and good evening.

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